Meeting Santa Claus Etiquette


Gentessential’s 5-Step Guide to Meeting Santa


1. Do not attempt to sit on Santa’s knee unless ushered to do so. However robust the jolly fellow’s knee looks he may prefer that certain individuals merely stand beside him, especially if you’re a 40-year old grown adult.


2. Do tell Santa what you would like for Christmas and why you are deserving of said gift, but keep it clean and save those risqué requests for your other half.


3. Do not attempt to pull Santa’s beard – it may look like a white cloud of fake goodness, but it would be uncouth to test that theory out in the presence of others.


4. Do not overfeed the reindeer – they have a busy period ahead of them and there are only so many carrots they can eat. Besides it can lead to an awful mess.


5. Do not flirt with Santa, there is a Mrs Claus you know and I hear she’s a fierce lady!